Quality is a matter of attitude
Wir bei HEMA arbeiten jeden Tag aufs Neue daran, die hohe Qualität unserer Produkte sicherzustellen und weiter zu steigern. Für uns ist das eine ganzheitliche Aufgabe, bei der es um weit mehr geht als um Schutz-, Sicht-, Klemm-, Brems- und Beleuchtungssysteme. Wir glauben, dass man gute Produkte nur fertigen kann, wenn alle Voraussetzungen stimmen: Bestes Material und effiziente Arbeitsprozesse sind das eine. Ein Arbeitsklima, in dem jeder wertgeschätzt und Kreativität gefördert wird, das andere. Wir versuchen, uns in all diesen Bereichen ständig zu verbessern. Damit das gelingt, haben wir eine Reihe von Maßnahmen eingeführt:
Qualitymanagement system
All production and company processes of HEMA are certified after ISO 9001:2008. Internal and external audits on a regular basis review the existing standards in production, purchase, sales, and order processing. The monthly survey and evaluation of all quality relevant data and the fact that both Quality Management and monitoring of deadlines are directly put under the control of management, guarantee that all collected data will be considered and integrated in the further production processes.
HEMA was successfully awarded the seal of approval "Systematic Safety" (SMS) seal of approval at its Headquarter in Seligenstadt in 2019. SMS is the occupational health and safety management system of the nine German commercial professional associations. Introduced in 2002, it has established itself as a recognized label across industries. The Wood and Metal Trade Association (BGHM) alone has around 218,000 member companies, of which only 522 certified companies are currently certified across Germany. The receipt of the seal of approval presupposes that the company complies with the applicable occupational health & safety regulations and that the company continuously and systematically improves occupational safety and health in a continuous improvement process.
All critical components of our products are regularly tested for their material quality and functionality. In addition to our ample internal test we also cooperate with specialized institutes, e.g. for impact test of the machine protection windows.
Product safety
We comply with strict quality regulations regarding the RoHS directive and closely follow the requirements resulting from the REACH regulation (European Community Regulation on chemicals). It deals with the registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemical substances. The aim of REACH is to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances. In the meaning of REACH, HEMA as a manufacturer of products is a "downstream user", therefore the registration of our products is not mandatory. Nevertheless, we obtain strict quality rules according to ISO 9001:2008 and RoHS for our high product quality.
The Japanese word is a mindset designed to continually improve operations, activities and products. Since 2009, we at HEMA have been working to establish a kaizen culture that continually challenges existing structures and processes in order to improve them step by step. A Kaizen team of employees from all departments promotes the development of creative solutions and their implementation into reality.